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Tag : OCF

Strobists and Strobism – False doctrine or indoctrinated ?

There are a number of people around the world who will fervently describe themselves as ‘Strobists’, some with an almost religious zealousness. Alas, they have been misinformed and their indoctrination is at the stage of corrupting the meaning of something that is actually quite clear. If you ask a person responsible for stage lighting they will be able to accurately describe the nature of a strobe light. If you ask a scientist they will as well although they will include […]

Getting a better understanding of the ProFoto B2 and B1 OCF system

I’ve been using the ProFoto B2 250 OCF system for a few months now and had the opportunity to get a better understanding of the system. In order for a photographer to be able to deliver the best quality they can they need to understand their equipment, what it can and can’t do. For quite a few years I have chosen between a set of 600 w/s battery pack 2 head light kit and speed lights for when I am […]