All content is the Copyright property of Will. If you want an image or text, get in touch for a quote.

Will’s Photoimaging’s Blog

The importance of getting it right in-camera

What does ‘Getting it right in-camera’ mean ?. Well, as with so many things, it depends on who you ask. One thing that is certain is that digital photography has increased the frequency of the term being used. It has also led to some heated social-media arguments with very divided lines. The reality is that ‘getting it right in-camera’ is an important stage in getting images of good technical quality. If we look at film you essentially have two media […]

Modern Vintage style photo session

The Vintage style has definitely become a core style and for this session one of the models had borrowed some dresses from Vintage by Cupcake and accessories by Punk up Betty. As a contrast to my ‘dark and moody’ images I decided to make use of some of the various colour background rolls from Creativity Backgrounds that I have, particularly since the supplier had asked for some images from using them. I was asked by the model I arranged the […]

Chimping and whitebalance – it is not as good as you might think

If you use chimping to set your exposure by looking at the histogram on the rear LCD and ‘sort out white balance’ afterwards rather than metering the light, you really need to be extra careful. One of the oft used phrases in these days if digital photography is ‘If you’re using raw then you can set white balance in post-processing’. ( Although many will incorrectly use the term ‘editing’ instead of post-processing. See footnote. ) How many times have you […]

GHD hair styling charity fundraiser on Yr Wyddfa / Snowdon

I had a ‘phone call from a hair stylist that I’ve done some photographs with asking if I’d be interested in doing a charity photo shoot on the top of Yr Wyddfa ( Snowdon ). Whilst it is a place that, in my younger days, I’d want to either be off the top by 8am or not get there until the evening I didn’t hesitate to say yes. The idea was for Chris, of spires hair salon in Uttoxeter to […]

The language of photography, its use and abuse

Don’t get me wrong, language is an ever changing medium that grows to meet the demands of its users. However some people adopt words to mean things that already have clear and unambiguous meanings, words that are understood by professionals in that field. This tends to happen either through laziness, ignorance or trying to make themselves out to be ‘in’ / ‘cool’ / ‘with-it’ / ‘hip’ / ‘fashionable’ / etc. The Internet has accelerated this abuse and muddying of technical […]