All content is the Copyright property of Will. If you want an image or text, get in touch for a quote.

Will’s Photoimaging’s Blog

6 Towns 1 City Carnival 2018

This was my first 6 Towns 1 City Carnival for a few years. The last few years I had an event or Wedding on the Saturday so my Sunday focus was getting those photos processed and delivered. My first experience of the carnival was a very wet one if it wasn’t raining then it had only just stopped and it would soon restart. This year was the opposite. Sheltering in the trees was to get out of the blazing hot […]

Blists Hill Steampunk 2018

After their finding online some of my images from last year’s Steampunk Weekend at Blists Hill, Ironbridge Museum got in touch with me and asked if they might use the images in their publicity. My images had a ‘different’ quality to them than others they’d seen. Some of that would be down to the fact that it was a blue sky and intense sun day. I had with me a ProFoto B2 set with some modifiers that included the recently […]


Photography networking in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

In 2009 there were some active photography networking groups on Purestorm and Flickr that focused on off-camera flash and on location model photoshoots in Staffordshire with many of the people based around Stoke. In August I ventured to The Custard Factory in Digbeth, Birmingham for a ‘meet-up’. I didn’t know anyone who was going to be there or what to expect. It was all we to me. The main organiser of that event was Duane Barratt. It was an enjoyable […]